
Surf the wave

Links for 2009-03-06



AnalysisTool consists of two parts: a forked version of LLVM/Clang static analyzer and a simple GUI wrapper for running all analyses on a XCode project. AnalysisTool project was started by Nikita Zhuk as part of his master's thesis for Marko Karppinen & Co. LLC in 2008. Partial, forked LLVM/Clang distribution is included in the bundle. The LLVM/Clang revision on which AnalysisTool's fork is based on is stated in the release notes and in the About window of AnalysisTool.

Currently AnalysisTool is primarily developed for our in-house use, so it contains some custom analyses which check coding conventions and style issues. For many ObjC developers this will cause false positives. Do not trust AnalysisTool results blindly.

Download AnalysisTool. Requires Mac OS X 10.5 or later.

Release notes.

Class dependency graphs

AnalysisTool is capable of generating dependency graphs of ObjC classes from source code. Class A depends on class B if a method of class A calls a method of

(tags: osx clang analysis debugging visualization xcode)